For as long as I can remeber, I've always wanted to be a programmer. Computers amazed and delighted me as a child, they seemed capable of anything. They could play games talk to people far away, play videos, store pictures and words, they could even find lyrics to songs. As I grew up I learned more and more about computers and the internet, I learned that they were not boxes of magic as I had previously thought but machines of steel and silicon, of eletricity and circuts.
I learned that computers did not truly "know" anything, instead this was the knowlege of man digitized and stored creatively and convieniently on websites. A compilicated trick that made the internet seem so much more far reaching than it truly was. Now that I've reached the end of my education as a computer science student I've learned that computers are in actual fact, boxes of magic, capable of anything. Even in my own relatively short time I've seen computers evolve and change so rapidly I now know computers can do whatever we ask of them, and I am humbled and eager to be a part of that.
My interests primarily focus on arguing with people on the internet. My current focus is on the goverment and corruption. It seems today to be a forgone concusion that the goverment is corrupt and "of course you can't trust the goverment." The more research I do into "obvious" conspiracies the more I am pushed in the oppisite direction. A common conspiracy I see surrounding 9/11 is that days before the event a secratary of defense by the name of Donald Remsfeld said the goverment had "lost 2.3 trillion dollars." The department of defense had some presence in the twin towers, as did many other goverment entities. Mostly spread around building 6 and 7. The conspiracy alleges then that 9/11 was a coverup for this lost goverment money and evidence was held in the department of defenses office in the twin towers campus, or alternatively as other versions claim, the evidence was in the pentagon. Upon further research we learn that this is all nonsense, the quote pulled from Rumsfeld is about how outdated the goverment is, that they have thousands of filing cabients and papers spread across dozens of departments. Tracking down the payments and trails of even a relatively small million dollar project would take weeks. His complaint is that the goverment must modernized it's systems, not that 2.3 trillion was unaccounted for, that it had been spent but was so much paperwork it would be impossible to count. Not to mention of course that neither of the places destroyed by airplanes held those alleged records and not to mention that Rumsfeld continued his fight to modernization and presumeable won because now the pentagon has computers.
A secondary hobby of mine is woodworking, I like to make wooden swords and weapons and such. When I first began woodworking all the tutorials were for conventional things like birdhouses or furniture. I didn't want to make something easy or normal, so instead I made weapons. The first weapon I made was a large sword, since then I've made more sword, maces, a 7ft halberd and more. Most recently I've made a replica of weapon from a game, a sword called razelighter. I also have a dog named Priscilla. Here are 2 pictures of Pricsilla.
I began learning when I was very young. I started my education at Callahan Elementary school where I studied the basics in writing, arithmatic, social studies as well as science. After Graduating I continued my studies at Callahan Intermediate school where I persued further into math in new fields such as algebra. Here I joined the chess team, my former chess instructor remarked I was "fine" at chess. Later I was accepted into Callahan Middle school where I took an interest in the sciences, attending a science fair and giving many presentations during my time there. To cap off my pre-collegiate works I attended Nassua County High School where I took part in the yearbook team. Here I gained certifications in adobe photoshop, premiere pro, and flash. I also took an elective course in game design where I learned how to use a now obseleted game development program called gamemaker.
After graduating middle of my class in high school I decided to continue my education at Florida state college at jacksonville, a nearby community college. I also chose this year move out of my parents house and fend for myself. Looking back, Trying to work 2 jobs and also take 4 classes a semester at college was a foolish idea and I should have just stayed with my parents. Despite this, after 4 years I earned an associates degree from the insitution and continued toward a bachelors at UNF. At UNF I attended many clubs like OSEC, a club about computer security and OCP a club for competitive programming.